
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Easy--Peesy Listen to Reading

A while back I stumbled upon a tutorial from
on how to record audio books on iPods. 

Her post has since been removed (for whatever reason), but I found it very helpful and simple to do.

If you have the GarageBand app, you can record yourself reading a book and save the file into iTunes.  VIOLA- you have a FREE listening center for your students.

Here's a rundown on the steps:
1. Open GarageBand and create a new project as Podcast.

2. The only thing I needed to change before clicking the record button was Female Voice.

3. Once you are done recording, send to iTunes by clicking "Send Podcast to iTunes" under the "Share" tab.

4. Add your track to the Ipod and *BOOM* you're done!

(As my students would say) Easy Peesy!

I'm wondering, what kind of technology are you using in your classroom?


  1. I have one iPad and an ELMO projector. I bought a new CD/cassette listening center for Daily 5.
    I have one iMac as our classroom computer....Wow, I know, right! But, I am thinking I could get a parent to come in and volunteer to do this iPod project! Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  2. Thanks for this tutorial! What a great use of the iPad and iPod. Hoping to get iPads for my classroom in the near future through a grant. :)

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  3. OH MY GOODNESS! This is so simple and easy! Well done! I can't wait to try it!
