I'm linkin up with Blog Hoppin again tonight to let you in on my daily schedule!
This year, our school adopted the Go Math program. I am definitely still learning how to use this edition. It is WAY different from Everyday Math, which I have taught for four years. I am happy to make this switch, but feel like I am in my first year of teaching all over again!
Anyone out there teach with Go Math? Do you have any advice for me?
I have structured my math time in a workshop model.
We start with a 15 minute warm up.
During this time we complete our "Do Now" which is a quick word problem with multiple choice questions. We then practice our math drill of the week. For example, this week we are working on plus zeros.
After the warm up, I teach the meat of the lesson.
Then we have a guided practice time that leads into independent work.
My goal is to provide students with rotations so that I can pull small groups and support all of my students.
This year, I am planning on using the BUILD math rotations:
Buddy games
Using manipulatives
Independent Work
Learning about numbers
Doing math (computers and ipods)
We end our math time with a conclusion.
We have a daily assessment check and tear out our homework for the day.
Again, this is my ideal plan.
Right now we are in the baby stages of this schedule, and I am still trying to figure out the new textbooks!
This year our scope and sequence changed up a bit which has caused our Science and Social Studies units to be out of wack a bit. We are tweaking them and adjusting them to meet the needs of our district requirements.
We teach from Core Knowledge for Social Studies.
This year in science we have adopted Stem Scopes. Which is UHHH-mazing!
Again, an exciting change but a change non-the-less.
Ask me at the end of the year, and maybe I will finally have this new stuff all figured out :)
For reading, we do a mix of the Daily Five/Reading Workshop with our Imagine It textbooks.
I am not in love with Imagine it....to say the least.
But it is just about the only resource available at our school.
This year, we luckily have a focus skill of the week that helps tailor our mini lessons!
And finally! My favorite time of day!
Ahhhhhhh....writer's workshop.
Yesterday I launched WW with my kiddos.
They were on their knees begging me to write all week long.
I decided to set a timer and see exactly how long they could write for.
We stopped at 22 minutes.
22 yall!
That's with no build up to stamina!!
Let's just say their first grade teachers instilled a LOVE for all things writing!
I cannot wait to dive deep with these kids during writing time!
Our time will follow the typical workshop sequence of minilesson, writing time, and share time.
And that's a typical day in 2nd grade.
Of course things are so different at the beginning of the year.
We are working up to being able to do all of these things.
But have no fear, we will accomplish this goal. I can feel good things coming with this group.
Does anyone else use a basal type reading program with the Daily Five or Reader's Workshop model?
I'd love to pick your brain on how you incorporate both in one day!!
Until next time!